Given the nature of COVID-19, and out of an abundance of caution, MassHire Berkshire Career Center is taking precautionary measures to a) mitigate the spread of the virus, and b) protect the health of our customers and staff. Please note the following changes.
This will NOT affect your unemployment insurance benefits.
- All onsite seminars/workshops/ongoing programs are delivered virtually. Please visit our events page to register for our virtual events:
- All onsite Career Center appointments are delivered virtually. Staff will deliver services via phone, email, text, fax, etc…
- Resource Room will be closed.
- Please visit for any new COVID-19 updates
- & for free online tutorials
If you need additional clarification, please feel free to contact your Career Counselor or Career Advisor directly.
Thank you for your understanding, during this period.
Melanie Gelaznik
Executive Director
MassHire Berkshire Career Center