We are committed to providing Priority of Service. Veterans can find the employment services they need by working with our Veterans’ Representatives to find jobs, acquire skills and education, plan their career, attend workshops, and take advantage of our other resources.
We can offer assistance with job search, Career Planning, Career Training, Resume Services, Use of Personal Computers, Internet Access, Workshops and Ongoing Support, and Referrals to Partner agencies.
Get started today by becoming a member through attending a Career Center Seminar, which previews an overview of all the services available. At the end of the Seminar, you will have the opportunity to meet with your Veterans’ Representative to review your career plan. Your Veterans’ Representative will assist you and make appropriate referrals for a successful job search.
MassHire Berkshire Career Center Veterans’ specialists will:
- Help organize the job search and access benefits
- Design a personal employment plan and a comprehensive and flexible way to help manage the job search
- Assist with resume preparation
- Develop job leads
For more information please contact:
Bret Miller
413-499-2220 Ext. 218
Visit MassHire Berkshire Career Center Thursdays between 9am and 3pm to meet with a Veterans Representative to discuss your workforce needs!
- US Department of Labor Veterans Employment and Training
- MA Veterans Services Officers
- Massachusetts Veterans Services
- United States Department of Veteran Affairs
- The GI Bill
- The Welcome Home Bonus
- Military Benefits powered by Military.com
- The National Archives – Veterans Services Records
- VETS USERRA Fact Sheet 3
- The Military Connection
- Continuing Education Resources for Veterans
- Vocational College Training for Veterans