A: No, all of the main services available at the Career Center are free of charge to all job seekers. These services include: use of the Resource room for your job search, participation in our Workshops and a meeting with a job specialist. To use our services, job seekers would first become members of the MassHire Berkshire Career Center by attending a Career Center Seminar. We do have some computer-based instruction that is available at no cost you can consider as well.
A: No, you do not need to be out of work to use resources of the Career Center. The MassHire Berkshire Career Center is open to all jobseekers, regardless of whether you are employed or unemployed, as long as you are in need of career services. To begin the process, you would contact us and sign up for our Career Center Seminar to receive an overview of our services. You would then become a member of the Center and be able to use the resources available, including the Resource room and participate in our Workshops. You would also have the opportunity to meet with a Job Specialist to give you some personal guidance in your job search.
A: The Resource Room is an area within the Career Center that provides practical tools to assist job seekers in finding employment, including: personal computers with internet access and the Microsoft Office Suite of programs, laser printer, copier, fax machine, limited supply of resume paper and envelopes, business and trade publications, newspapers, job search tips for success and much more. To accommodate all, there is a 2-hour limit per day for customers using the Resource Library.
A: You would first need to attend a Career Center Seminar to learn about the services available at MassHire Berkshire. Once you have participated in the Seminar, you will be a member of MassHire Berkshire and can sign up for workshops and classes by contacting our Career Team at the MassHire Berkshire Career Center.
A: No. We do not provide daycare.
No. Parents need to make childcare arrangements prior to participating in Career Center activities, including participation in Workshops and use of the Resource Room.
A: Metered parking is available on the street outside of the Career Center. We do not validate parking tickets. Several parking garages are available within walking distance as well.
A: Yes. The MassHire Berkshire Career Center is one of more than 30 Massachusetts One-Stop Career Centers. We are part of a nationwide network funded by the United States Department of Labor. Once you have attended a Career Center Seminar, you will become a member of the MassHire Berkshire Career Center, and at that time you’ll also be eligible to use the services of any of the other Massachusetts One-Stop Career Centers.
A: We have all types of jobs listed either directly with our Career Center or elsewhere that we can access. Because so many jobs are listed on the internet, we can instruct you in using the internet to find jobs you are specifically interested in and develop strategies to connect with those employers. We help several hundred-skilled people each year get jobs paying over $50,000 a year.
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