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Tuesday November 10, 2020 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

*Veterans only from 9:00 am to 10:00 am*

This event is open to Veterans and the General Public

The Job Fair will be held on our NEW event platform, Premier Virtual




To Pre-Register, job seekers must:

1.) Have a MassHire Job Seeker ID number*

*If you are not a MassHire member, you can obtain a free membership on MassHire JobQuest https://jobquest.dcs.eol.mass.gov/jobquest/Register/


2.) Pre-Register via email: mherzig@MassHireBerkshireCC.com

Include your first & last name, MassHire ID # and phone number

**Include “Statewide Virtual Job Fair” in the subject line**


To Pre-Register, Businesses must:

1.)  Pre-Register via email: mherzig@MassHireBerkshireCC.com


Once you have pre-registered, you will receive an invite via email to register for the job fair on Premier Virtual.


**Please note job seekers will need to upload your resume in PDF format when you complete your registration**


Additional Resource:

How to convert a Word Document to PDF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUPL4_y_HPM




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