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Meet with a Pittsfield Public Schools representative at MassHire Berkshire Career Center to discuss Career and Technical Education (CTE) employment opportunities.


  • CTE Teacher: Information Support Services & Networking
    • The teacher is the district’s primary agent for instruction with responsibility for presenting the prescribed curriculum effectively and employing a diagnostic/prescriptive approach to identification and subsequent adaptation to the needs and interests of the students.
  • CTE Teacher: Auto Collision Repair
    • The teacher is the district’s primary agent for instruction with responsibility for presenting the prescribed curriculum effectively and employing a diagnostic/prescriptive approach to identification and subsequent adaptation to the needs and interests of the students.
  • CTE Teacher – Auto Technology
    • The teacher is the district’s primary agent for instruction with responsibility for presenting the prescribed curriculum effectively and employing a diagnostic/prescriptive approach to identification and subsequent adaptation to the needs and interests of the students.

*Employment experience directly related to the area of expertise is REQUIRED*

Previous teaching experience preferred


Walk ins welcome!!

Please direct questions about the event to: Businessteam@masshireberkshirecc.com

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