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Find the career you truly enjoy

‘Whether you are between careers, looking to explore a new one, or are re-entering the workforce after some time away, MOLARI Employment and HealthCare Services can help you with placement that meets your needs. MOLARI Employment and HealthCare Services is an equal opportunity employer committed to the highest possible ethical standards. Your application will be treated with confidentiality.’

Benefits available

Accepting resumes and seeking candidates to fill positions in Berkshire County.

Temporary, part time or permanent employment opportunities available

  • Office & Administrative
  • Hospitality
  • Healthcare
  • Home HealthCare
  • Light Industrial

THIS IS AN IN-PERSON RECRUITMENT held at the Career Center 

Register Today! Space is limited

Once you have registered you will receive a phone call to schedule your appointment time. Please provide your current contact information in the registration form for us to reach you.

Please contact the Business Services Team with questions at: BusinessTeam@MassHireBerkshirecc.com

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